The Wangaratta Small Bore Rifle Club invite you to come and try the truly family international sport of target shooting.
It is a sport that can be competed at Club level through to Olympic, Commonwealth Games and as a World Championship sport. Participants can compete from the age of 12 through to ages of 80 or more. Men, women and juniors compete together in various disciplines and can enable whole family involvement. It is also a sport that can be competed by persons with physical disabilities. Wangaratta has had a disabled Australian and World champion whom competes both Nationally and Internationally.
New participants are coached in all aspects of the sport including firearm safety, assistance in preparation for firearm licensing and all the practical aspects of target shooting. The Club and Target Rifle Australia consider safety the highest priority and new participants are coached on an individual basis until the participant is considered proficient.
New shooters can come down to the club and start off using club equipment and as they progress are guided in all aspects of the type of equipment that they may require to suit their particular discipline.
There are many disciplines that people can compete in. It involves using a target rifle in a .22 calibre or a .177 air rifle.
The prone position, using a .22 calibre rifle, is where the competitor shoots from a lying position using a sling to assist them to hold the rifle steady to shoot at targets over ranges from 20 metres through to 90 metres. Another discipline is the three position match where a competitor fires at their target from a standing position, kneeling and then a prone position and is shot only over 50 metres. This is one of the most challenging events. Other people choose to shoot air rifle which is shot over a distance of 10 metres from the standing position. Another increasingly popular event is bench rest shooting as it is not quite as physically demanding as some of the other disciplines. This is shot using a .22 calibre rifle with telescopic sights.
The Wangaratta Club meets every Wednesday and also has extra coaching days as required. There are also plenty of competitions ranging from club through to State and National events that allow one to achieve excellence in their desired discipline.
The Club regularly hosts organisations such as scouts, guides and other visitors and organisations, that come and try a great challenging sport that can be enjoyed by everyone.