The Wangaratta Small Bore Rifle Club Incorporated ( WSBRC Inc.) is an accredited provider for the Fireams Safety course throughout the North East Victoria, Wangaratta Region.
Victoria Police and Licence Regulation Division are no longer facilitating and providing Firearm
Safety Courses to the Public and as such have made courses available through accredited providers throughout Local Communities.
People wishing to apply for a firearms licence must successfully complete a Firearm Safety Course
before they can apply for a Firearm Licence. Juniors must be over the age of 12 years old to apply for a Junior Firearms Permit.
The course will cover all the required aspects of the firearm safety rules and the law in relation to owning, being in possession of and using a firearm.
At the conclusion of the course there is a written multi-choice assessment which must be completed and passed in order to obtain the required certificate to enable people to apply for a firearms licence.
The courses are run at the Wangaratta Small Bore Rifle Club’s facility off College Street.
Wangaratta ONCE A MONTH on the second Monday night of the month from 7:30 pm regardless of public holidays.
Course cost :- Adults $50.00 Juniors $30.00
All applicants must be able to provide identification on the night of the Course. This could be a
current drivers licence, passport, or in the case of Juniors either Medicare card or a birth certificate.
Please complete the form on this page to submit your request to register for the course.
You will recieve a confirmation and information email within a few days of your registration.
* PLEASE ALSO ENSURE YOU CHECK YOUR SPAM & JUNK MAIL FOLDERS if you don't recieve a confirmation of your registration.